With Easy Writer, you can choose
the story or essay that you want to work with. Choose from
over 85 essays that were written by ESL students, stories that are interesting
and exciting, and that provoke thought and conversation.
In addition, the Checklist of Stories from our
Teacher/Student Resource package will help you
to plan what to do because it tells you the difficulty level of each
story and essay. This Resource Package is now available in .pdf format
for download.
If you are working on Level 2, Level 3, or the
Expert Level, you will also have to edit and correct those errors once
you have found them. When you click on an error, a text box appears
and you will type what you think the correct grammatical form or spelling
Listen to a sample of one of our Level One stories now!

Do you hate those annoying buzzers everything you
or your students get a wrong answer? We believe in encourating people
to try again, not in punishing them for a wrong answer.
With Easy Writer, you'll be rewarded for trying
out an idea with the English language; you will not be penalized for
getting the wrong answer. You will hear NO buzzers to make you feel
badly....You will receive positive and encouraging feedback!
Do you or your students hate being timed? Or being
cut off in the process of trying to work out a problem?
With Easy Writer, there is no limit to how long you can work
on a particular story, no limit on the number of tries you can make
to correct an error, and no penalty for a wrong answer.
All Software for
Students Products Use ONLY Authentic Language
from Real ESL and
Remedial Writing Students
Our Grammar Help! feature is unique!
Simply click on the word or words that you want more
information about, and the computer will bring you to the appropriate
Grammar Help! page and explain all that you need to know. It's like
having a teacher right there! Many of the grammar explanations are interactive,
Students and teachers will quickly learn how
log on, how to use it, and how to get around - because
Easy Writer Standard and
Deluxe were
developed by a teacher and used in classrooms for years
before it was
released to the public!
Easy log in and log off. Quick to get started.
No wasted class time logging
on or navigating back to where you were the previous class.

"My Log"
keeps a record of what Level you worked on, what Grammar Category
you worked on, the Name of Each Story you worked on, the Time
each story was Entered and Exited.
Sample Page 2: Editing Essays
After you have chosen the level and grammar
category, you will see a story menu listing a number of essays available
for that level and category. Each essay is color-coded to help
you to choose the right difficulty level for you.
RED is easier.
BLACK is moderately difficult.
BLUE is the most difficult.

Choose a difficulty level
you are comfortable with, or challenge yourself!
There is a right level for everybody. Your "Checklist
of Stories" will also help you to make this choice.
With so many interesting essay topics to choose from,
you will be thrilled and captivated to read stories written by students
such as yourself, stories about topics that students like you are interested
in and find personally meaningful, essays that recollect your own rich
and varied personal experiences.
When you have selected your essay, you will now be
introduced to the main story page.
The "My Score"
button gives you real-time scoring
for each page!
A user-initiated
timer displays how long the student has been working
on the essay.
It's so easy to get "Grammar HELP!"
For more information, see below.
Get Feedback
Click "Check My Answer"
to see if you are correct. When you are not, you will receive hints
as to what to look for to improve on your next try.
Try as many times
as you want. Experiment with English!
Be a problem-solver! We encourage you to test ideas,
which is so important when learning a language.

Grammar HELP!
Easy Writer is perfect for the self-directed learner.
Navigate with Ease
Are you a teacher who is not comfortable with using the computer?
Or are you a student who is not familiar with English or computers?
You're always in the driver's seat with Easy Writer's
quick and easy navigation!
Log in, Record-keeping, Print your log, Log out